

发件人:文森特·J. 德尔·卡西诺., Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs


We continue to witness a lot of change as we plan for campus repopulation. 将会下降 be a 过渡学期 and what I write below is what I know today!

The CSU System has announced, in collaboration with the UC System, that vaccines will be required of all faculty, staff, and students in the fall. 这是一个好消息 许多! But, there is a fairly significant caveat - a vaccine 必须 be given full FDA approval before this requirement will be put in place. 乐观主义者 suggest that Pfizer will have such approval this summer - before school begins - others 建议可以再长一点. What this means is we have to plan knowing that some COVID-19 秋季有必要采取缓解策略. 

Let’s be clear - vaccines are already available, and given this notification every一个 affiliated with 菠菜网lol正规平台 who is over 16 should get a vaccine as soon as possible. 校园 你已经把这个消息发给学生了吗. 但是,我们的计划必须假设我们需要 在没有批准疫苗的情况下控制COVID-19的传播. 研究表明,空气传播 distribution systems are the most effective way for the disease to move from 一个 person 下一个. Our facilities team has thus increased the amount of external air flowing through buildings and upgraded the filtering systems as well. 面具仍将是 required this fall, as will some form of physical distancing (we anticipate three 脚,这是许多讲座课程都能适应的). 我们都将被鼓励开放 尽可能打开窗户增加气流. 

In addition to these strategies, we have adjusted the class schedule to allow for 课间有更多时间让空气再循环. 这些调整对 the class start times during the day, but also may have created some changes in the 晚上. The strategy to create a longer break between classes is based on the knowledge that the air in the 菠菜网lol正规平台 class房间s recirculates approximately every 10 minutes. A 30 minute break creates three cycles of air refresh before the next class enters the 房间. The combination of increased fresh air flow into class房间s and an increased amount of air exchange between classes will help reduce the risk of spread when participating 在校园课堂活动.

Of course, all of this will have to come with a very robust awareness campaign and 走廊及其他公共空间的规定. 这并不容易,这就是 为什么我们认为跌倒是一种 过渡学期

I want to give a very big shout out to the teams in Academic Scheduling and IT, who have worked hours upon hours to examine and adjust the fall schedule in bulk to minimize 各部门需要做的工作. 也就是说,我知道部门会 need to make some changes to the adjusted Fall 2021 schedule to accommodate circumstances 他们的项目和教师都是独一无二的. And, importantly, I know that there are 许多, 许多 class房间s available on campus, 虽然他们不在传统的地方. 请联系 academicscheduling@wxyxsteel.com 如果你找不到教室.

这将是又一个炎热的夏天. 然而,我希望,一旦 schedule goes live, we will not make any major changes to class modes and times, but instead adjust and fine-tune as needed as we have traditionally d一个. 

谢谢你的辛勤工作. 我们必须保持对彼此的关心,因为我们 continue to struggle with this pandemic and its aftermath.
